Jessa Hastings
Meet the author
Jessa Hastings
Jessa Hastings is an Australian-native who now lives in Southern California with her husband, two children, her two cats and a dog that she previously semi-regretted getting after several incidents of said dog intentionally urinating on her son’s favourite firehouse toy, but thankfully the regret has dissipated and as has the urine.
She’s a chronic over-thinker, an aspiring water-connoisseur and is going through a real soup phase. She finds Twitter and small talk equally terrifying, and still often pines for an Australian breakfast and a sourdough loaf in America that doesn’t make her want to impale herself with a rusty fork. Magnolia Parks was her debut novel in 2021, quickly followed by Daisy Haites, Magnolia Parks: The Long Way Home, Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing, Magnolia Parks: Into The Dark (Nov 2023) and a separate series, Never(Dec 2023). She still (obviously) struggles to write a concise or topically relevant author’s biography. She is sorry for this.